Monday, March 29, 2021

when is it too late to start all over?

I have been thinking a lot lately that the older I get it is harder to take a change of career paths. I mean when you are young it is so easy to fall and get back up dust your knees off and start all over again. I am not so sure it is the same feeling when you get my age. I am not a quitter by any means but I am human to have doubts.With that being said i only have one choice, up!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Younger Generation

Last weeks topic for our podcast was based on our younger generation the "Millennials". We spoke about the gap between them and "Generation X" . How their way of thinking is so different from ours when we were growing up. Most Millennials are so dependent on social media to communicate their thoughts or even the mood they are in. When us the "Generation X" were growing up we didn't have the internet to communicate like they do now. For example when we had an issue with someone we handled it old school and went in person. Now you can shout everything you want to someone without even looking at them lol.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Amargosa Valley


I wanted to share a little about a small valley where I grew the younger years of my life. The valley is called Amargosa Valley, with a population of about 1500. Growing up there was a totally different life than that of a city. Seems to me that in a city you tend to grow faster, at least in my opinion. I feel like maybe because a city has more things to do and more temptations. Amargosa Valley is surrounded by desert and farms throughout the valley. It borders the state lines of California and Nevada and is very close to one of the hottest places on earth, Death Valley. I grew up there until I was 12yrs old and went the majority of my elementary and some of my junior high school. Here are some pictures of Amargosa Valley.

Friday, March 12, 2021

IS101 Excel

I have  reached the Excel projects section in IS101 class and they seem to be a bit challenging to me. The first few projects seemed to go well but as the projects progress the formulas are getting a bit confusing to me. I am having to go over and over on the lessons and looking up tutorials to get a better understanding where I am going wrong. I got this! I will figure it out slowly but surely. I have to  repeatedly do the steps in order to get the hang of it. Looking forward to get better at Excel and pass the next certification.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

My Designs

In 2012 I decided to pursue a degree in Graphic Design at College of Southern Nevada. I received my degree in Graphic Communications not to much longer after that. I have always been into art since I was a kid. My father drew portraits on his free time and I would sit and watch. I took some art classes in high school and college. I used to draw a lot when I was a kid but now that I am older I can't seem to find enough time to dabble a little. Here is one of my logos I have created for businesses.