Monday, March 29, 2021

when is it too late to start all over?

I have been thinking a lot lately that the older I get it is harder to take a change of career paths. I mean when you are young it is so easy to fall and get back up dust your knees off and start all over again. I am not so sure it is the same feeling when you get my age. I am not a quitter by any means but I am human to have doubts.With that being said i only have one choice, up!


  1. You are definitely not a quitter! Experience and maturity will help with the career change :-)

  2. It is never too late. When we have such doubts, I think we need to think about all the accomplished scientists and inventors who had a "late start". I was afraid of being a nontraditional medical student and told a close friend of mine that I was afraid of becoming an "old" doctor. She advised me that older people often are looked to for advice and wisdom while becoming a young doctor may come with unease from patients and others. I am okay with it now. We only have the rest of our lives to do what we want to do. Let's KEEP going up.

  3. Yeah, I think I'm about to make some major change soon. One where my parents will probably be disappointed in me LMAO.

  4. I don't think that changing career paths necessarily means that you are "starting over". You still keep the knowledge and experiences that you have from your previous career(s).

  5. I think about that a lot, when I get older will I be happy with the path I chose? Will I regret it? I know even now I regret not trying very hard in school.
