Sunday, March 21, 2021

Amargosa Valley


I wanted to share a little about a small valley where I grew the younger years of my life. The valley is called Amargosa Valley, with a population of about 1500. Growing up there was a totally different life than that of a city. Seems to me that in a city you tend to grow faster, at least in my opinion. I feel like maybe because a city has more things to do and more temptations. Amargosa Valley is surrounded by desert and farms throughout the valley. It borders the state lines of California and Nevada and is very close to one of the hottest places on earth, Death Valley. I grew up there until I was 12yrs old and went the majority of my elementary and some of my junior high school. Here are some pictures of Amargosa Valley.


  1. How cool that you grew up in Armagosa Valley :-) I travelled through the small town on the way to Death Valley many years ago. I just looked up both locations and realized that Armagoza Valley is in Nevada but Death Valley is in California. Beautiful photos ^_^

  2. Just like Professor WU, I've passed by here on my monthly commutes to Reno. However, I have driven by on the highway and never have "gone in". I can definitely see how city living is much more accelerated than rural living. It looks beautiful! I am going to make a detour on my next trip.

  3. Rudie you keep posting all these beautiful places and you're making me jealous. However, I don't think I'll ever go to these places cause one, I'm broke, two, I'm lazy LOL.

  4. As someone who has always been from a big city, I have so many question for people like you. I bet it's a real culture shock to transition from one to the other.

  5. What a beautiful place.. It would be nice to just walk around here. The water in that one picture looks crystal clear!

  6. looks very beautiful, I would love to live in a small population town. The lake and especially the pond look beautiful.
