Monday, February 1, 2021

Good start to the month of February

Today February 1, 2021 was a good day not to mention today is my birthday. I love the feeling of waking up to a warm welcome from my daughters and wife each morning. As you get older you start to appreciate the little things. I think when we are younger we live our lives at a fast pace that we forget the little things. To the right is a picture of my second youngest daughter Tiana Gomez.


  1. Happy birthday Rudie ^_^

    Yes, they say one slows down when we age but we are suppose to be wiser so I hope that helps :-)

  2. Happy birthday! Life changes so fast and sometimes, we don't give into the moment to appreciate what we have in front of us. Thank you for sharing that sweet picture of you and your daughter.

  3. Aww how lovely! And I agree, as you get older you really do cultivate a deep appreciate for the simple little things in life. Love the photo of your daughter as well!

  4. I agree, the little things are what really matters in life. I hope you had a great birthday!

  5. Happy belated Birthday. Glad you enjoyed it and I agree, little things aren't to be taken for granted.

  6. Happy belated birthday Rudie! I appreciate this post.. It's a reminder to me to be grateful for the life that I have today.

  7. Happy birthday, hope you eat lots of good cakes LOL. Love your daughter's hair!

  8. Happy birthday! Yeah, I'm young and I do feel my life is moving at a fast pace.

  9. Happy Birthday! You're a very lucky man to be greeted in such a way every morning.
