Sunday, May 2, 2021

Passed MOS

I have been on a lucky streak this last week and it feels good for a change. I passed my PowerPoint MOS certification today. I don't know how because I didn't feel ready for it, but thank god I did. Next I am going to attempt to pass the Expert MOS certification and see how I do.


  1. Congrats on passing MOS PowerPoint (MO-300) Rudie, I don't think it was luck!

    You are now a coveted MOS Associate :-)

    Wishing you success on the MOS Word Expert (MO-101) then MOS Excel Expert (MO-201) ^_^

  2. Congratulations to you, Rudie! Sometimes we surprise ourselves. I love those moments because it shows us how much we are capable of.

  3. Congratulations Rudie, you got this! I'm currently getting ready for my Word Expert as well.

  4. Great job on earning that MOS Associate! I wish you luck with the expert MOS exam.
