Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Leaving 2020 in the past and looking forward to 2021

After the COVID-19 chaos of 2020, I am looking forward to a fresh start in 2021. Looking at all the possibilities that IS101 Introduction to Information Systems class offers makes me eager to get started right away. I have always wanted to learn Microsoft Word and Excel at a professional level. My heart tells me that 2021 will bring many new prosperous opportunities.


  1. Yes, 2021 will bring many new opportunities and I will help you take full advantage of those in IS101-2003 :-) Welcome to the class Rudie ^_^

  2. I totally feel the same way. Also I planned on opening up a Discord server for our class. If you are interested I'll post the link to the server in my profile. I look forward to seeing you guys there!

  3. It's always a good to be positive in life and the new year. I am eager as well to be educated in Microsoft Word and Excel. Here's to the possibilities of 2021!

  4. Rodolfo: It's inspiring to me how optimistic you are for what's to come this year.

  5. I agree, now that we've surpassed 2020, the only other option is to keep pushing forward in this new year. Wishing you the very best Rudie!

  6. I totally agree, I think after all the struggles and constant changes in 2020, 2021 will be a much better year.

  7. It's good to see that you are leaving the past in the past instead of letting it affect your present. I am sure 2021 will be a much better year.

  8. I'm in a similar boat. 2021 seems promising, especially much more than last year.

  9. As the expression goes "Follow your heart" and make 2021 a year that all your goals are going to be realized.
    Best of luck:)

  10. Glad to have you bud, lets make this year better than the last.

  11. Heres to 2021 and its endless possibilities.

  12. Yeah! I am also very excited to get into Word and Excel. It would be an amazing skill to learn to help us in our futures.
